A Prayer on Behalf of First Nations

Almighty God, we come to You with heavy hearts, seeking Your healing touch for the First Nations communities. For too long, our Indigenous brothers and sisters have suffered from the wounds of the past, including the traumatic legacy of residential schools, loss of land, and cultural dislocation. We ask that You comfort them and help them heal from these deep wounds.

We pray that You would guide our leaders in finding ways to bring justice and reconciliation to those who have been harmed. May they be filled with compassion, wisdom, and humility as they seek to make amends and create a better future for all.

We also ask that You bless those who are working tirelessly to provide healing, support, and care to Indigenous communities. May their efforts be fruitful, and may they be filled with Your strength and grace as they serve others.

Finally, we pray for a renewed sense of unity and understanding between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in our land. May we be inspired to learn from each other, to walk together in a good way, and to build a future where all people are treated with dignity and respect.

We ask all of this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who came to bring healing to the broken-hearted and to set the oppressed free. Amen.

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