Blessed are those who walk with a good heart,
For they shall find peace and harmony with all living beings.
Blessed are those who listen to the whispers of the wind,
For they shall learn the secrets of the universe.
Blessed are those who honor the wisdom of the ancestors,
For they shall be guided by their teachings and values.
Blessed are those who live in harmony with Mother Earth,
For they shall receive her blessings and bounty.
Blessed are those who share with others and practice generosity,
For they shall know the joy of giving.
Blessed are those who show respect for all living things,
For they shall be respected and protected in return.
Blessed are those who live with courage and integrity,
For they shall walk the path of honor and truth.
Blessed are those who forgive and seek reconciliation,
For they shall be healed and find inner peace.
Blessed are those who show compassion to all,
For they shall know the spirit of love and kindness.
(Compare Matthew 5:3–12)