Great Spirit, we come to You with grateful hearts on this day of rest and prayer. We give thanks for the beauty of the world around us and for the many blessings You have bestowed upon us.
As we rest and reflect, we ask for Your guidance and wisdom to help us live our lives in harmony with all living things. Help us remember the lessons of our ancestors and to pass on their wisdom to future generations.
We give thanks for the sun that warms us, the earth that supports us, and the water that sustains us. We give thanks for the animals that provide us with food and clothing, and for the plants that heal us.
We ask that You bless us with the strength and courage to face the challenges that lie ahead, and that You guide us on our path towards greater understanding and enlightenment of Your purposes.
We offer this prayer of thanks with humble hearts and sincere gratitude. May we always remember the sacredness of this day of rest and prayer, and may we honor it by living our lives in a good way.
In the name of the Great Spirit, the Merciful Son, and the Holy Spirit. Aho.