Prayer for our Eternal Home

Great Creator, who gave us life,
We come before You in prayer,
With open hearts and humble spirits.

We thank You for the blessings of this world,
For the beauty of the earth and the sky,
For the mountains and the rivers,
For the animals and the plants,
For all that sustains us and gives us joy.

We also thank You for the promise of new life,
For the hope of a home not made with hands,
But eternal in the heavens.

We know that this earthly tent is temporary,
And that one day we will lay it down,
But we have a building from Creator,
A house not made with hands,
Eternal in the heavens.

We long to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling,
So that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.

We know that while we are at home in the body,
We are away from the Teacher,
But we walk by faith, not by sight,
And we are confident and willing,
Rather to be absent from the body,
And to be present with the Teacher.

We pray that You will strengthen our faith,
And help us to live in the hope of Your promises,
Knowing that our earthly life is but a temporary dwelling,
And that we have an eternal home with You.

We thank you, Great Creator,
For the gift of life, both here on earth and in the heavens,
And for the hope of a future beyond this world,
Through Your Son, Creator Sets Free. Amen.

(compare 2 Corinthians 5:1-5)