(Deleware Indian Version)
By Big White Owl
O, Gitche Manitou, (Great Spirit) whose voice we hear in the winds, whose breath gives life to all the world – hear us! We are Your children, but many of us have become confused in the turmoil of this fast changing world. Humble, we appeal to You for help. We need Your guidance. We need Your strength and wisdom.
O, Gitche Manitou, teach us how to walk along the narrow pathway. Open our eyes so that we may ever behold the red and purple sunsets. Teach us to respect the many things You have created. Make our ears ever sharp to hear Your Voice. Help us to learn again all the wonderful things You taught our ancestors – the lessons You have hidden in every flower, leaf and rock.
O, Gitche Manitou, we seek strength, not to be superior to our brothers, but to be able to fight our greatest enemy, the evil within ourselves. Help us to be ever ready to come to You with clean hands and a steady eye, so that when life fades away like the beautiful sunset, our spirits may come to You without fear or shame.
(The above prayer is based on the text printed in The American Indian Bible)