Mother Earth

Great Mother Earth, hear our prayers
As we come before you with respect and reverence
We honor your beauty, your power, and your wisdom

We recognize your gifts of life and sustenance
The waters that flow, the fruits that grow, the air that we breathe
We offer our gratitude and respect for all that you provide

We honor the spirits of the land, the waters, and the skies
The four-leggeds, the winged ones, the crawlers, and the swimmers
We seek to live in harmony with all beings and the natural world

We ask for your forgiveness for the harm we have caused
The pollution, the destruction, the disrespect
We seek to make amends and to heal the wounds we have inflicted

Great Mother Earth, bless us with your love and grace
Guide us on the path of stewardship and respect
Teach us to live in harmony with all beings and to honor your sacredness

We offer our gratitude and respect, now and forever. Aho.