Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man (prayer)

Great Spirit, Father of all fathers,
We come before You with humble hearts,
Grateful for the gift of life You have given us.
We acknowledge Your fatherly love and care,
Which sustains us through all of life’s challenges.

We also recognize the brotherhood of all men,
As we are all Your children, created in Your image.
May we always remember that we are connected,
Bound together by a common heritage and destiny.
May we treat each other with kindness and respect,
And work together to create a world of peace and harmony.

We ask for Your guidance and blessings,
As we seek to honor the fatherhood of the Great Spirit,
And embrace the brotherhood of all men.
In the name of the Great Spirit, the Merciful Son, and the Holy Spirit. Aho.


Great Spirit, our Father,
We come before You in gratitude and love,
For Your care and guidance in our lives.

You have shown us the way of brotherhood,
That we may honor and respect one another,
And live in harmony with all of creation.

We ask that You bless us with Your wisdom,
That we may know the true meaning of fatherhood,
And the sacredness of the bond between us.

May we always be mindful of our connection to You,
And to each other as brothers and sisters,
As we journey together on this earth.

Great Spirit, our Father,
Guide us in Your light and love,
And help us live in peace and unity,
As Your beloved children and brothers.

In the name of the Great Spirit, the Merciful Son, and the Holy Spirit. Aho.