A Prayer at Noon

Great Spirit, Creator of All,
As the sun reaches its peak in the sky,
We pause to offer our gratitude to You.

We give thanks for the abundance of life,
For the food that sustains us,
And the water that nourishes us.

We offer our prayers for those who are hungry,
And ask for Your blessings on those who provide for them.

May our hearts be filled with compassion and generosity,
As we honor the connection between all living beings.

We give thanks for the wisdom of our elders,
And the teachings they have passed down through generations.

May we carry their knowledge and traditions with us,
As we navigate the challenges of this world.

Great Spirit, guide us on this path of life,
And help us to walk with kindness and respect for all.

In the name of the Great Spirit, the Merciful Son, and the Holy Spirit. Aho.