The Lord’s Prayer

Great Spirit, who dwells in all things,
We give thanks to You for the blessings of life.

May your sacred ways be honored and respected on earth,
As they are in the spirit world.

Provide us with the food we need for today,
And guide us on our path, so that we may walk in balance and harmony.
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The Beatitudes

Blessed are those who walk with a good heart,
For they shall find peace and harmony with all living beings.

Blessed are those who listen to the whispers of the wind,
For they shall learn the secrets of the universe.

Blessed are those who honor the wisdom of the ancestors,
For they shall be guided by their teachings and values.

Blessed are those who live in harmony with Mother Earth,
For they shall receive her blessings and bounty.
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A Prayer Concerning Creator Sets Free

Great Spirit, Creator of all things, with lowly hearts, we stand before You with gratitude in our hearts. We acknowledge Your presence in everything around us, from the gentle breeze that rustles the leaves to the mighty mountains that stand tall and proud.

Today we come to You with a prayer in thankfulness for Your Son, Creator Sets Free*. We recognize that He came to this world to teach us about Your love and to show us the way to live a life of peace and harmony with all of creation.
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Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man (prayer)

Great Spirit, Father of all fathers,
We come before You with humble hearts,
Grateful for the gift of life You have given us.
We acknowledge Your fatherly love and care,
Which sustains us through all of life’s challenges.

We also recognize the brotherhood of all men,
As we are all Your children, created in Your image.
May we always remember that we are connected,
Bound together by a common heritage and destiny.
May we treat each other with kindness and respect,
And work together to create a world of peace and harmony.
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Prayer for Protection from Storms

Our Holy Creator, we come before You humbly, seeking Your protection and guidance in the face of the storms that rage around us. We know that the winds and rains can be powerful and destructive, and we ask that You keep us safe from harm.

May Your strength and wisdom be with us as we face the elements. May Your love and light surround us, and may we be guided by Your hand to safety and security.
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A Prayer for Unity

Great Spirit, we come to You with humble hearts and open minds, recognizing that we are all connected in this world. We pray for unity among all tribes and peoples, for we know that only through unity can we find peace and harmony.

Help us see beyond our differences, to understand and respect each other’s cultures, and to celebrate the diversity that makes us unique.
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Prayer for Saturday

Great Spirit, we come to You with grateful hearts on this day of rest and prayer. We give thanks for the beauty of the world around us and for the many blessings You have bestowed upon us.

As we rest and reflect, we ask for Your guidance and wisdom to help us live our lives in harmony with all living things. Help us remember the lessons of our ancestors and to pass on their wisdom to future generations.
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A Prayer of Thanksgiving

Great Creator, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude and thankfulness. Thank You for the gift of life and for all the blessings You have bestowed upon me and my people.

Thank You for the beauty of nature that surrounds us, the trees, the mountains, the rivers and the animals that share this land with us. Thank You for the air we breathe and the water we drink, for the food we eat and the shelter that protects us.
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Native American priests?

First Nations religious practices are diverse and varied, and different tribes and communities may have their own unique religious leaders and practices. Therefore, the term “priest” may not necessarily be applicable to all Native American traditions.

However, some Native American traditions do have religious leaders who may be considered analogous to priests in other religious traditions. For example, among the Hopi people of the Southwest, there are kachina priests who are responsible for maintaining the rituals and practices associated with kachina ceremonies. Among the Navajo, there are medicine men or women who are considered to be spiritual leaders and healers.
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An Evening Prayer

Great Spirit, Creator of All,
As the sun sets in the sky,
We offer our gratitude to You for this day.

We give thanks for the blessings we have received,
For the challenges that have helped us grow,
And for the love and support of our family and friends.
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