Prayer for Restoration

Great Spirit, hear my prayer,
As it is written in the sacred text of Isaiah,

“We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way”

Help us to remember the teachings of our ancestors,
To walk in the way of You, our Creator,
To follow the path of righteousness,
And to care for all creatures great and small.

May we be guided by Your wisdom and Your love,
And may we find our way back to the flock,
In unity, in harmony, and in peace.

Great Spirit, bless us with Your grace,
And lead us on the right path,
So that we may live in harmony with all of creation,
And fulfill our sacred duty as caretakers of this beautiful land.

In the name of the Great Spirit, the Merciful Son, and the Holy Spirit. Aho.

(compare Isaiah 53:6)