Chapter 81

1. Who can see, my brothers, and return to earth and make known to all men the glory I have received today? For I have found the reward of my toil!

2. See, I have brought my Ship to the shore; no storm has risen against it, no wave has snatched it away!

3. I was about to be shipwrecked before I found the Ship of Truth; a divine tacking was Joshu, who has given me his hand.

4. Who then shall be able to tell of the Gift that came? A grace overtook me, but there is no one who can say it.

5. I have left the garment* on the earth, the senility of diseases that I had; I have put upon me the Immortal Robe.
* (material body)

6. I have taken my washed clothes, my robes that do not grow old; I have rejoiced in their gladness, and have rested in their rest.

7. O Saints, rejoice with me, for I have returned again to my Source (Jehovih), the Path of Light has stretched for me, right up to my first City, it has victoriously given me into the hands of the high-ranking angels, and they have escorted me to the Kingdom.

8. See, the Light of the Maiden has shone on me, the glorious likeness of the Truth, and her three grace-giving angels.

9. The gates of the skies have opened before me through the rays of my Teacher and his glorious Light-Image!

10. Joshu, my Bridegroom, has welcomed me to his bride chamber, and I have rested with him in the Land of the Immortals; my brothers, I have received my garland!

11. O excellent pain that I have suffered! O my end which has had so happy an issue! O my everlasting possession!