Chapter 40

1. Jehovih, you have established the congregation of Faithists and separated them from the uzians; you have assigned a task to each one of them in the yoke of Joshu’s teachings.

2. The first righteousness which the man must observe in order to become truly righteous is this: He must make himself pure and unattached from lust;

3. And gain for himself also the peace of the hands*, that he may keep his hand away from causing injury to the Cross of the Light**.
*(not working injury)
**(all life)

4. He must also observe the purity of the mouth – he must cleanse his mouth from all flesh* and blood** and not even taste the name of wine* and intoxicants**** at all.
*(carnal speech)
**(gossip leading to guilt)
****(misleading speech)

5. He must also assume grace* and wisdom and faith, so that he may share his wisdom with every person who shall hear it from him.
*(mercy, love, refinement)

6. While through his faith he must share the Faith to those who belong to the Faith*; through his grace he must grant grace with love and clothe them therewith, so that he may unite them with himself.
*(fellow Faithists)